The Journey to 86

According to Merriam-Webster's Dictionary, "86" is a slang term that is used in the American popular culture as a transitive verb to mean throw out or get rid of, particularly in the food service industry as a term to describe an item no longer available on the menu, or to refuse service to a customer.[1] The Merriam Webster dictionary suggests the term may be associated with the word "nix" ("no" or a more general prohibition).[1]

This blog was started in 2016 because I had been carrying some baggage that I needed to get rid of---past hurt, trust issues, anxiety, and a bunch of doubt about my self worth because of how I allowed others to treat me. The weight had become so heavy it had affected my own value of self.  And so in honor of my recovery to live while letting old habits die (depression and anxiety), I made a pact to visit 86 places I've never been that inspire me to live on and to write about it! Traveling and meeting others has helped me sucker punch depression in the nose during this journey and I am forever grateful for it. While the journey is not yet complete my ability to lean in and to engage in dialogue that is sometimes very vulnerable has taught me to be a stronger and happier me. This process (over the past 4 years) has allowed me to love again, both myself and another. There are still bad days. There will always be bad days. I cannot hide my depression or anxiety under a hat like a a bad hair day. It is always there, but it no longer controls me. So for now, I rid the space inside of me filled with hurt and doubt from others, and fill it with beautiful strangers, and places. I will fill it with trust and confidence, and a happier me.  So that it can continue to spill on to others. From visiting IG photographer Theron Humphrey and his dog Maddie in Tennessee, to the So Worth Loving Small business in Georgia, and the sands of Joshua Tree, to Crater Lake, and finishing at the spiritual journey of El Camino Santiago in Spain. There's also a few places in which you get to guide me. So tell me what to see---an initiative/place/cause/a store/a person.....that has inspired you from around the world while sitting in your living room----and I'll add them to my list of visits.


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