Stop playing defense.
When we play defense all the time we are less likely to allow learning to happen. We are more likely to blame, to say "you, you, you". We are less likely to let others words in. Not everything that is said to us is in a harmful way. It is a learning experience. It is a chance to take what others say and evaluate yourself and your own lifeworld. Does the "thing" you are defensive about hold truth? How might your life be better if you dissect it and sort out the ways you can address it? Have you seen the said thing surface over and over in many ways? Chances are, yes. No matter how easy it is to dismiss, or ignore, diving into it will be more rewarding in the end. It will create a healthier you. One who is open to learning. One who can recognize their weaknesses and improve. One who can separate the good from the bad. One who can begin to understand others and how their actions or lack of inaction causes pain too. Not everyone is out to get you. They are simply out to make you a better you. To challenge you. To give you what you asked for. Loyalty. Commitment. Honesty. A love that knows no boundaries. A love that wants you to be your best possible self, even when you don't know what that is.