Books. On Books.
I have been reading a lot lately. I've stopped watching tv as much. Maybe a movie a week. Do not watch Sea of Trees. Horrible movie. But do watch Captive with Ryan Reynolds. I may have a secret crush on Ryan in this movie. Probably because he dresses like a hiking lesbian with some scruffy facial hair. I also watched the Minimalist a few weeks ago. Which pushed me more towards a tiny house or cabin. However, my tiny house would still have a library shelf. should definitely check out the reads below:
Daring Greatly. Superb. Buy this. Right meow.
Tiny Beautiful Things. Great, easy, relateable read from Deer Sugar who is Cheryl Strayed.
Yes Please by Amy Poehler. Not a big fan. I mean it was okay but I wasn't too impressed. However, I heard the audiobook is a lot better. Has extra conversations and clips. So maybe I'll have to grab that somewhere.
The Twits. Playful kind of twisted funny. Even fun for an adult.
Wild. Cheryl Strayed (again). Love this book. The book is better than the movie. No doubt.
Also, I re-read Attached. Adult attachment theory. If you are a lesbian and haven't read this. You should. It explains so many behaviors.
Reading helps me learn about myself and others. I love when I can process a concept and apply it to my life. Sometimes words slap me in the face and help me recognize what is and is not "okay". But you have to be open to receiving it.
Book it friends. Any other recommendations for me?