Leave it better than you found it.

In my adventures to many parks this past year I often came across this saying. It has been a saying that I have embodied in all of my life recently.  

If we can't bring beauty to something then we shouldn't be there. Take care of the places you go, the people you love, and the body you have. Leave it better, not the same, not worse.  

I am reminded of this today---when someone offers words of an apology to me for treating me in ways I never deserved. Let me say this. There is a clear difference in being authententic and empathetic and sincere in your apology and also just saying it to say it so you can feel better and try to justify your own actions.  If you feel someone's words were empty, dry, loveless, and merely a way to make themselves feel better----leave it. Leave it better then you found it. You deserve all of the love. All of the empathy. All of the sincerity. You are not regurgitated words with hollow actions trailing behind.  You are not "I wish you the best". You are not formal. Your being is raw.  The loss of you in someone's life is monumental. It warrants more. More love. More sincerity. More effort. More fight. Less should haves and more show up on your porch to say it in person. More fire in your heart.  And if that's not something someone can offer your beauty of a soul, simply leave it better than you found it.  
