Must be doing something right.
Hello Friends! Checking in from the mountain. Super excited to be here. I just feel like everything is falling into place. New AC installed. Carport cleaned out to be enclosed for the 4wheelers. And so many other cool small things to spruce up the property and land. It's like things are turning around for the better, after a few rough months. Buying this place was the first right thing I have done since December. Yesterday we got to visit the old swimming hole, what a beautiful place...super clear water and neighbors on their 4wheelers just driving on over to cool off. My Jeep will also go right down to the river edge. Life up here is simple. Just the kind of simple I need. Fires. Beers, Shooting guns. Off roading. Fishing. Exploring. Hiking. I don't think I could have picked a better space or place to spend my time off. The sky at night is gorgeous, it's like your sitting on a bar stool next to the stars. I am super excited to join all my friends down here in a month for the prime viewing party of the solar eclipse. What a special way to kick off the start of a new journey. Wherever you are reading from today, know that the only way through is through. There are rough days. Days where you will get stung by two wasps in the same foot within an hour (Yes, it hurt). There are humid days where the mower won't start. But then there are days where the sunset just winks back at you. Where you look around and you see yourself surrounded by really good people. People who treat you well, and right, and you remember that good people still exist. That you deserve to be treated with honesy, and love, and respect...the same way you treat others. And there are days..... where your faith in humanity is restored and you realize that good things will happen to good people....and this cabin is just a testament to that very mantra.
Will write more soon. Once the visits from family and friends die down. Sending love, whole lots of mountain summer firefly kind of love.