Living on purpose.
The more I grow. The more I realize the distance from who I was ten years ago to who I am today. It's easy to recognize such measurables, especially on social media. I look at what I might have posted years ago and what I post now----and I see what's important to me. I look at what others might post now (those much younger than I) and I realize the distance I have come in my purpose to life. Happy does not come from having 20 people deep at the bar, and killing two cases of beer over the weekend. Happy doesn't come from what your friends might think. Happy does not come from using a person to fill a void. Happy comes in small envelopes, in small packages. It is not a thunderous bolt. It comes in a few quality people. In books. In staying sober most days so that you can be your most present at the moment and you are able to lean in. In giving, not taking. Happy comes in experiences. In exploring. In growing. In finding yourself, not looking for your light from others validation. Happy comes when you use your gifts to make a better world. Happy comes when you recognize the good in you, and the bad in you. And you wear them like a brand new pair of shoes. Because you don't care what others think, as long as you are living a true and good life. And the pieces of you that aren't so pretty, you've taken that constructive criticism from others and you've made yourself aware of who you are. And you work on that everyday. You take that feedback and use it to better yourself. And the pieces of you that are so pretty, you take those constructive compliments and you live with intention to give those beautiful pieces out to the world. You capitalize on your strengths. You give yourself away. Like candy. Because that's what we should be doing. We should be walking through this world giving ourselves out to the best of what's around us. That's how we live a more authentic life and connect with our truths. And that's what Jen Sincero says too.
This weekend was a perfect example of happy to me. Some friends came to visit the cabin. We got lost in the woods off roading. We found peace at the old swimming hole. We had good conversation while the sun set. We didn't need beer. Didn't need a clique of people to feel important. Didn't need to go to a bar. Didn't need validation from others. Didn't need to fill a void. Didn't need to sacrifice parts of ourselves to be our real selves around each other. Or post about how our lives are happy. They just were. We found happy in simplicity. In going outside. In being the best version of ourselves. This reminded me of a page I read from Jen Sinceros book. When we share what we were brought here to give we are living in alignment with our highest selves. How awesome is that? To be? To be present? To give your best self to friends? To grow in ways we never thought possible? To give your self, the not so good and the oh so beautiful to the world? Don't show up to the party of life with the "I didn't want to come empty handed gift".....give the best gift you can give. Knock it out of the park! Live a life on purpose, and stop merely showing up for happy hour---start being present.
And god damnit. Read this book: You're a Badass
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