
Ah. Power. Right now I am teaching a Leadership, Power and Influence class so I've been immersed in what power can or cannot do. We certainly have a wealth of anecdotes about what having power does to people: Power has saved figures Like Martha Stewart, OJ Simpson, facilitated unethical financial practices on Wall Street, and contributed to some of the most overconfident moments in our nation'sAmerican history.

On the one hand, we could conclude from these examples that power leads people to immoral, unethical, and deviant behavior, and some research is suggestive of this possibility. Of course, power can't always be bad for us, like it was for the American economy or Edwards' political career. Certainly, sometimes power can have a positive effect on our well-being, by allowing us the freedom to be ourselves. (psychology Today Study).

What does power have to do with authenticity?  Power does have an important positive consequence for people: When people have power they don't feel the need to shift how they present themselves in different situations or contexts (Psychology Today).  In one way this is a good thing, because it helps a person feel and behave more authentically in all different situations. In contrast, lacking power means one has to be strategic in the way one presents the self, changing from context-to-context. While self-presentation concerns are probably adaptive in some situations, it is easy to see how changing one's self all the time can contribute to negative feelings like "I can't be my true self." or "People don't really know me."  (Psychology Today).

So what does this mean?  When you feel as if you don't have the power to speak up or be heard you lose yourself. Much like the research suggest you shift from context to context blending in like a chameleon never getting to be who you really are. In order to self preserve in the situation. When you lack the power you have difficulty sharing how you really feel. Phil influence by the surroundings around you. You adapt to them to survive. When you have power and a voice you get to authentically be yourself without fear of repercussion, disappointment  or shame.

So as you go about your day think about that. How are you losing yourself in different situations because you don't feel like you have the power to be who you really are?  For dear of judging, shame, or disappointment?
