Fight them to the ground.
The part about lies and time just hit me.
Some words from my friend HB. That just hit the spot.
It's been a while since I've done a Monday Morningemail filled with nothing but truth. No stories. No frills. Just wisdom. So here it goes. Since I am wrapping my 28th year in just under 3 weeks (and there will be no Monday email for Memorial Day Weekend), I give you all the things I've been learning this year:
Things take time. You will want them to move faster and you will be tempted to hustle harder but just remember: the best stuff takes time.
Give yourself grace and rest. The world needs you at 100%. Don't push too hard.
It's easy to want to belittle your story or think it doesn't count. That's a lie. Your story is a light and people need that light. You're not God's accident.
Lies are real. They are real and painful. You've got to fight them to the ground or they will spring up when you aren't looking. The work of fighting lies can be exhausting but so fruitful. Fight to come out of the dark. Fight to come out into the light.
Be a cheerleader. People are trying as hard as they possibly can. Being critical of other people won't make them feel empowered or more put together. Stand by people's side even when they frustrate you. Never abandon.
Watch your mouth. I mean it. Watch it. I wish I could take back years of using my mouth to speak against other people. It wasn't worth it and I realize now the damage the tongue can do. It's like your mama always told you: if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.
I want to be the kind of person you follow off of a screen. Not in some boastful way. I just want to be the kind of person that people look at and think, she's doing it right. But this takes time and energy and a willing to pull away from social media. Oh, but the work is worth it.
Find something more lasting than social media to invest in. It will all fade eventually and the causes we care about will need to be stronger than a few dimly lit embers to start a forest fire. More kindness, less Facebook rants.
Sometimes clicking the "unfollow" button will be the best thing you can do for your health and your spirit.
Never feel wrong for investing in your health and your wellness. Ask your questions. Figure out how your body works. Don't assume your body is the same as someone else's. We all are wired differently.
You do you. Just do you and don't worry about the haters. They will come and go. They will crash, burn, and even win sometimes. Just keep your head down and do the work.
Text your people. Remind them that you are standing in their corner, cheering as loudly as you can. (Street cred to @theLazyMaisie for this).
Better yet, pick up the phone and call someone today. They need to hear your voice.