Teacher teaches self.
I'm teaching a new Conflict Resolution class next semester. I'm starting to prep for it now. I love learning things. I feel myself growing from the inside out. Some of these things I already knew in my heart. Some I needed a reminder of or a chance to see them with new eyes. Today I read about how Conflict is necessary. It is healthy. That suppression of feelings is a form of conflict. That it is just as much a part of the conflict process as shouting or fighting is. I also learned that not being able to start a conflict is the source of frustration and can often lower self esteem and create bigger problems. Some people react to conflict by suppressing it. But in order to handle conflict constructively you must be able to discuss, to not be afraid of speaking up, and to know that your voice and frustrations are worth it. Conflict, when used constructively has the ability to strengthen relationships. We should all learn the best way of constructively handling conflict so that it makes us grow. As people. As co-workers. As citizens. As friends. As lovers.
Sometimes we might fail at this. But we learn and live on.