
What does it mean to quiet your mind?

It means trust what will be will be. The overthinking will not "will anything" to happen. It will not give you answers. It will not make you any more of something, or less of another. You are what you are.  Pretty, sometimes, a little messy.  Just be that. It is good enough. It has always been good enough.  Those who believe that, show up. Those who don't, never wanted to show up. 

We are all enough. 

One thing I’ve learned about making changes and reaching for the next rung on the ladder is that you cannot fully feel satisfied with where you’re going until you can accept, acknowledge, and appreciate where you are.

Embrace and make peace with where you are, and your journey toward something new will feel much more peaceful, rewarding, and satisfying. The juice is worth the squeeze ;)

I told you to be patient
I told you to be fine
I told you to be balanced
I told you to be kind
In the morning I'll be with you