Today is National Suicide Survivors Day. It took me years (about 12) to disclose my depression and anxiety and to say out loud I was a suicide survivor. Coming out, death, family stuff and my own shame and fear lead me to hide a lot of what I was feeling. I was so successful in other parts of my life that I never wanted others to view me in a different way or see me as weak because of my own internal struggles. The shame and fear of mental health is the very thing that keeps others hiding and resorting to suicide. We need to break the stereotype and shaming of those with mental health issues.The stigma surrounding suicide remains just high enough to discourage people — from talking about their suicidal thoughts. Some people feel that they might be labelled as weak, lacking faith, coming from bad families or indeed ‘mad’ if they were to declare their suicidal thoughts. This does not help when we are trying to detect early signs of suicide or reaching out to help victims of despair.
Part of the reason why I share my blog is to let others know they are not alone. They are not weak. They are are not crazy. They should not feel shame for being who they are. Talking about it is the only way to normalize mental health and to show others they are not alone.
Sometimes all we need is a "me too" from another person to get up and try another day. I still have bad days. But it's a lot easier to get through them not hiding the pieces of me I once thought were weak. So, don't be afraid to talk about it. I am here. There is no shame in these arms. You are loved.