Sharing gifts.

In most schools, kids at the top of the class are labeled “gifted.” defines “gifted” as:


  1. having great special talent or ability: the debut of a gifted artist.
  2. having exceptionally high intelligence: gifted children.

Personally, I like that top definition for both cases because of the example phrase: “the debut of a gifted artist.” In other words, that first definition not only focuses on a special talent or ability, but also implies using and sharing that talent.

Because of the nature of my gifts, I chose to use my website for giving that gift to others. But everyone has different gifts, and we each have to decide how we can best share those with others.

Some of us will focus on our stories. Maybe we write fantastically inspirational stories that give people hope or let them know they’re not alone. Some of us will use our gift of humor or listening to touch others. Some of us have additional gifts outside of words, and we might share our passions in other arenas.

The important thing is recognizing that our talents, skills, and abilities don’t do any good if we are keeping them for ourselves. Like a game of show and tell, they should be shared. If we treat them (our talents and skills) as a gift---we should be giving them to others, ad through that sharing we’ll find new ways to connect with others and help them in their life. And that’s the kind of gift that’s better to give than receive. 
