Practice what you preach....errr post?
Change is a hard thing. Learning why you default back to your old self in times of chaos and crisis is something some people will never master. One of the saddest things in the world is to see someone talk about how much they have grown and changed, yet never see actions to back it up. Today it's so easy to superficially pretend we've changed. We can post some self love quotes, snap a bunch a pictures of us reading a book or exploring some art, or create a board we pin to every now and then called "mindfulness". But just because we do these things for show, for the outter world, does not mean our inner world has changed at all. Doing these things means nothing if you still are who you've been telling people you aren't anymore. Posting a self love quote is empty if you aren't stopping the destructive behaviors that have kept you stuck in the same place for the past ten years. And yes, self help or trauma books or podcasts mean nothing, if you are resorting back to old coping skills or negative influences, or emotionless feel good actions for immediate gratificationor attention. And yes, you know exactly what those behaviors are. Change is hard. I get it. But avoiding the very thing you did and using humor to downplay it is actually suppressing your real emotions. It's not being accountable. It's not actively working on anything. It's simply making a joke of them. We can all go to therapist tell people we are actively working on ourselves We can pin another pin to our "board", but if we are not speaking our truth to a therapist or "board" and then actually LIVING it or breathing it in our actions----Then we are merely imposters, and in the end only cheating ourselves.
We must not post to our superficial outter world, if our inner world isn't practicing that same thing. Be the kind of person that lives what you post. That wants to see a better self. A better world. That wants to be surrounded by people who love them for who they are. Don't just pin about it. Don't post a quote about it. Actually fucking live it. Down to the bone.