Being brave.

So yesterday I read a blog by my favorite Hannah B. I pulled out this excerpt to talk about it a little more:  

 "We say we want to be brave. We say we want to have victory over our trials and fears. Victory only can happen when we train for the fight and engage in the battle. The battle for our minds. The battle for our hearts. The battle to create precious things that matter to the world. Fear would love to steal all of that but it is up to us to say, "Not today. Today I will face and solve the problem in front of me instead of being too afraid to approach it."

What if we just began there? What if we chose to instead stop blaming others for who we are and faced our fears? I've been experiencing this directly. I have watched someone crumble at the thought of facing her own being, her own failures, patterns, and unhealthy communication. Instead of facing it head on, she runs. She rids herself of anyone who sees her dark and finds a new place to create a temporary post where she can be clean of her past. It only last a little while until history knocks again and again. It's scary to sit with yourself and your own thoughts. It's scary to face all of the dark side of you. But if you want your light to be greater than your dark you need to start.  

Start taking care. Start owning your language. Your promises. Your unhealthy behaviors. Your deceit. Your intentional hurt. Your lack of authenticity.  And everyday make them a little bit smaller.  

