
It's been a busy two weeks of work but I finally got my to-do list done. Today and tomorrow we porch sit and relax at the beach before we head out to our second home of Columbus! This little guy took a tumble down the steps so he's limping. Hoping it's nothing big. In the meantime. Golf cart rides And hammock hangs! 


Norm through the eye of his soup bone! 


Practice on yourself.

They. Whoever they might be? Well. They is researchers. So yes. They say that it takes a solid 10,000 hours to become an expert at something, to get really good at it. To know it like nothing other.  To masters it's complexity.

I love the winding down of a measurement. Of hours. I love the idea of counting the hours somewhere, of giving up ourselves and our time to get there. To reach the summit of intellectual exhaustion.

At the end of the day, you are not in an arm wrestling match against the world. You are competing against only one person---one damn person. 

And that person is no doubt none other than: who you were yesterday. 

So while it's easy to fall into habits. To play victim. To lie. To cheat. To steal. To avoid the shadow sides of ourselves....the easiness of those old habits is not sustainable in creating a long term healthier and better you.  So choose to practice being good and doing good. Let your authenticity spill over. Do not hide who you are or where you came from. Life and love cannot be measured as such.  The only thing that counts is the now.  What will you practice now? 


We return.

Finding the balance of good and bad is sometimes hard. Over the past few years I've done some serious trimming to those who's shadow side is more then their light.  I think it's good to revisit your tolerance. To figure out who's is pushing you to be a better you, and who is just an anchor in your boots on your journey of life and love.  You are not expecting too much to have people who are full of life, authenticity, and loyalty present in your everyday. So don't worry that your expectations are too high. They aren't  

When you figure out "The Who", don't be afraid to let go, or hold on tighter. 


Being brave.

So yesterday I read a blog by my favorite Hannah B. I pulled out this excerpt to talk about it a little more:  

 "We say we want to be brave. We say we want to have victory over our trials and fears. Victory only can happen when we train for the fight and engage in the battle. The battle for our minds. The battle for our hearts. The battle to create precious things that matter to the world. Fear would love to steal all of that but it is up to us to say, "Not today. Today I will face and solve the problem in front of me instead of being too afraid to approach it."

What if we just began there? What if we chose to instead stop blaming others for who we are and faced our fears? I've been experiencing this directly. I have watched someone crumble at the thought of facing her own being, her own failures, patterns, and unhealthy communication. Instead of facing it head on, she runs. She rids herself of anyone who sees her dark and finds a new place to create a temporary post where she can be clean of her past. It only last a little while until history knocks again and again. It's scary to sit with yourself and your own thoughts. It's scary to face all of the dark side of you. But if you want your light to be greater than your dark you need to start.  

Start taking care. Start owning your language. Your promises. Your unhealthy behaviors. Your deceit. Your intentional hurt. Your lack of authenticity.  And everyday make them a little bit smaller.  




If there is one thing I have learned (of many) over the past year it's to stop waiting. Stop waiting for the right time. Time is not controllable. It cannot be stopped. It cannot be rushed. It just is. Stop waiting for others. Stop putting your goals off. Stop waiting for things to come to you. Just go to them. Move. Travel. Explore. Take risks. Try new foods. Meet new people. Write the book.  

And so I go.