The truth, my dear.
The truth about love is simple…It isn’t found in anyone or anything.
The voids or empty feelings that curse so many people can be filled and resolved immediately.
All that is needed is a willingness to open to it and to understand it from a different perspective.
Love should be given and received in abundance, as a free flowing energy. It is not a limited force—it is limitless, endless. The more that is produced, the higher frequency it will flow at as the momentum keeps going.
To be able to give and receive love we must learn to accept ourselves exactly as we are and not judge, criticize or feel resentment towards ourselves in any way. Self-love transforms us. When we love ourselves, we are far more likely to attract others who will love us too. When we hate ourselves, similarly we will attract those to us who reflect how we feel.
When you learn to love yourself...even the stubby fingers, the scar on your eyebrow, the sometimes impatient you, the you that sometimes needs to know answers, or the you that thinks her hair is to frizzy...when you love that flows in and out of you like a river......and it attracts the sun towards you.
Love those imperfect pieces, and you will find someone that loves all of you too.