I get to make my own schedule. That means my life has a lot of space. Space filled up where nobody can touch it. Space empty where I hang out for days.
Space is a funny term. We can't exactly see it, unless of course we are putting together a puzzle or pulling a jenga block out. But space exist all around us.
So we just had spring time. And I think about the space in my life. I took the time to clean out my closets, dust off my cobwebs, go though my stuff and purge. Because spring is a time for renewal, rebirth and growth. How can you blossom into a beautiful summer flower if you are still covered in last year's leaves? It was time to embrace the "out with the old and in with the new" mentality. But it's important that when we think about space, we think about it figuratively too. What will you let occupy your mind? Will you stay mad at people who have crossed you? Will you tolerate immaturity? Will you let the space in your mental cupboard (cubrit) be filled with negativity? Or will you let it go?
I believe that everyone wakes up with a given allotment of choosing power, and how we exert our decision-making energy has an incredible impact on our daily lives. Every decision made counts against our quota for the day, and as the day goes on it becomes more difficult for us to make good and decisive choices. I know this to be true for me: in the morning my decision making power is at 100%, but by 6pm I'm having trouble figuring out what I want for dinner, or what book to read, and by 7pm I'm reaching for the frozen pizza because I-just-can't and cardboard carbs are easier than making a decision, let alone a meal with the proper protein to veggie to carb ratio. Not the best option, but yeah. By 6pm, the bulk of my daily choosing power has been spent. Like a paycheck. Like Monopoly money. Like birthday money.
So each morning. Wake up. And Remember.
...So much of what weighs us down from our waking moment is our tangible 'stuff' that shares our physical space. Shoes. Clothes. Stuff. As the day goes on, decisions become more difficult as our power winds down slowly through an hourglass like timer. So, if you can only make 'x' many decisions in one day, do 15 of them need to be about what you're going to wear? How do you really want to exert your energy this summer? Consider the purge you just did for spring cleaning and give yourself permission to let go of the things that aren't serving you anymore. Eliminating the unwanted options will result in less decision energy spent. So sweep out the cobwebs of last year and reclaim not just your space, but your energy----for the things that are worth it.
Happy things!
This space, and this face is okay.