It's true that people will mold into many roles in your life. From friend, to lover, to best friend, to stranger. The flow of life causes that to happen. But when you love someone unconditionally they treat you with respect, love, and compassion no matter what Role you are standing in. There are few people in this world that show up everytime when it matters. This girl is one of them. When my grandparents died. When my fiancé walked away from me. When an ex lover ghosted me. Sometimes there were years between these events. Years of not talking. But this girl would see me hurting and show up. A message. A phone call. Continuous wellness checks. Visits. She was there out of pure concern and love for who I was. That my friends, is the definition of unconditional love. We have disagreed. We didn't work out in a relationship. We've had some fights. We are both indescribable stubborn. But we always treated each other with respect, which is why our friendship is so invaluable. You can learn a lot about someone by the way they treat you after their needs from you have changed. Take the lesson.