A love.

I want a love that is never forgotten.

A love that always grabs a coffee for two.

A love that hands me a towel as I step out of the shower.

A love that shares the last bite of ice cream.

A love so old people visit us and ask us how we did it.

A love that travels state lines.

A love that can find each other in a room of 10,000 people.

A love so magnetic the Richter scale

Develops high blood pressure.

A love so deep all of the oceans get jealous.

A love so strong the bridges of Pittsburgh shake as we walk above them.

I want a love.

A love like that.

West Virginia. Mountain Momma. Cabin life.  

West Virginia. Mountain Momma. Cabin life. 



Fight them to the ground.

The part about lies and time just hit me.


Some words from my friend HB. That just hit the spot. 

It's been a while since I've done a Monday Morningemail filled with nothing but truth. No stories. No frills. Just wisdom. So here it goes. Since I am wrapping my 28th year in just under 3 weeks (and there will be no Monday email for Memorial Day Weekend), I give you all the things I've been learning this year:

Things take time. You will want them to move faster and you will be tempted to hustle harder but just remember: the best stuff takes time.

Give yourself grace and rest. The world needs you at 100%. Don't push too hard.

It's easy to want to belittle your story or think it doesn't count. That's a lie. Your story is a light and people need that light. You're not God's accident.

Lies are real. They are real and painful. You've got to fight them to the ground or they will spring up when you aren't looking. The work of fighting lies can be exhausting but so fruitful. Fight to come out of the dark. Fight to come out into the light.

Be a cheerleader. People are trying as hard as they possibly can. Being critical of other people won't make them feel empowered or more put together. Stand by people's side even when they frustrate you. Never abandon.

Watch your mouth. I mean it. Watch it. I wish I could take back years of using my mouth to speak against other people. It wasn't worth it and I realize now the damage the tongue can do. It's like your mama always told you: if you don't have anything nice to say then don't say anything at all.

I want to be the kind of person you follow off of a screen. Not in some boastful way. I just want to be the kind of person that people look at and think, she's doing it right. But this takes time and energy and a willing to pull away from social media. Oh, but the work is worth it.

Find something more lasting than social media to invest in. It will all fade eventually and the causes we care about will need to be stronger than a few dimly lit embers to start a forest fire. More kindness, less Facebook rants.

Sometimes clicking the "unfollow" button will be the best thing you can do for your health and your spirit.

Never feel wrong for investing in your health and your wellness. Ask your questions. Figure out how your body works. Don't assume your body is the same as someone else's. We all are wired differently.

You do you.  Just do you and don't worry about the haters. They will come and go. They will crash, burn, and even win sometimes. Just keep your head down and do the work.

Text your people. Remind them that you are standing in their corner, cheering as loudly as you can. (Street cred to @theLazyMaisie for this).

Better yet, pick up the phone and call someone today. They need to hear your voice.


Talk like there are barely any cookies left.


I've been struggling with how peoples words and actions don't match up. It is a battle that is really hard for me being a poet and writer. I always think.."if I say something I mean it".  Why don't others? If I say I'll be at the birthday party---I am there. If I propose to you and say I want to spend the rest of my life with you---it's  not conditional pending on my mood the next day. If I say I won't do something---I don't do it. If I say I care. I do. If I say something is worth it and I am going to try----I try. And my actions follow the exact words I give. If I don't mean it. I don't say it. I don't tell one person one thing and tell the other the exact opposite. I don't contradict my words for fear of someone judging my actions. I use my words for good. I use them to communicate in healthy ways.  I don't just say things to appease. Its as if every word is precisely measured and cut just for my audience. For my friend. For my family. For my lover. If you have my word you have my everything. Unfortunately, I have been duped. Fooled. Lied to. Taken advantage of. And so I look at words in a deeper way lately. The average person says about 16, 000 words a day. That’s 112,000 words every week. That’s over five million words every year. We use words. A lot. Words. Words. Word to your mother. 

American culture. Yes this culture in particular, is a place where words are taken advantage of, mass produced. It is as if they are worthless, and carry no depth. It is almost like the words we use have become the equivalent of a credit card. Just like how we spend money more thoughtlessly with a plastic card and think about it later, our words are being regurgitated without consideration of the effect in that moment. They are being thrown at people without acknowledgement of their hurt or impact.  I know this because I have been stuck in a place where someone has given me in the moment words. Words that seem recycled only days later as their actions to back them up say opposite. 

Even with this realization, it is so easy to throw words around as if at our disposal. This translates into muffled communication, which places less of a value on the words. Resulting in a waste of rationed words that could have held meaning, but instead are being used as a space or a filler. They lose their credibility. They become a pass through. They break trust. They are shuffled.  Worn out hand me downs shared with too many people to look good anymore. Used to much to actually mean something.  Is this you? Do you mean what you say? Do you follow through? Can your words be trusted a week later? A month later? Or are you only living in the moment with a wallet full of credit cards? 

Well. I challenge you. To start this challenge, imagine that for a week you only had a word limit of 5,000 words per day. To put this budgeted amount into perspective, take the average amount of words that people say in one day is around 16,000. . With a budget of over half of your daily words, communication might become more of a focus. Might hold more value.  You might only say what you mean, and mean what you say. 

With this drastic limitation, each word spoken holds much more meaning.  Your words are careful. Delicate. How might this challenge affect not only how you communicate generally, but personally and emotionally as well? 

It's true. Anything that there is a surplus of becomes undervalued. Cars. Jewelry. The latest MacBook. A beanie baby. The value of something changes based on how much of it there is. When there are 100 cookies on a table after a meeting you might keep talking to some friends for awhile. But when there are only a few cookies, they seem precious, special. You’ll probably rush over there and if you get one in time, that bite is a lot sweeter.  Isn't it? Because we hear and use so many words every day they don’t mean much to us. But we should see them as precious. A gift. Carefully used and not filling a gap.  Words should be valued and trusted. 

Thinking about this has led me to consider the impact that my mouth and writing makes in life; my own as well as others. I have been really surprised to see how the simple building blocks of language can drastically change my day, or those around me.

Words have the power to make our world would be a better  place to life, work, and play. Especially, if our word currency is considered valuable. It would change the songs that you sing, the poems you write, the I love yous that you give, the promises that you make, the support you offer, the social media rants you post, and the words that you speak everyday, to strangers and to those that mean the most to you. 

Words hold value every day. It is up to us to start taking advantage, and re-evaluate how their use can be beneficial to all of our life-worlds. After all, "If you don't have anything nice to say, don’t say it at all." Tomorrow when you wake up--Believe there are only ever two cookies left.

Speak like the cookies are scarce. 

The tug of war of change.

It has been quite some time since I have posted on here publicly . And while my aim is to write to heal, I also know that this place can be a living room for people to also learn and understand. I have done some cleaning up of my blog. To rid of it of the hurt and negativity I once carried in my writing because of my self blame for other peoples issues and fickle that I have no control over. I cannot controls others behaviors, or how they might treat me, or the words and actions they give and take....but I can control if I let them into my life and how much of a distance to keep them at.  And so my hope is to keep my blog a space where I can write and process and to let you all know that you are not too much...you are enough. 

 Recently, I have been faced with a big obstacle in my life. One that I have watched through the struggle. One that I have been patient with. One that I have been supportive of, understanding, and have given time to. One that I have watched grow, but boomerang back to the comfortable. Why do we keep going back to our “old ways”? One likely reason is that change is a paradoxical phenomenon. On the one hand, change is inevitable; human development is constant and we often have no control around it. Minutes change to hours, hours into days, and the clocks of time push us to places we may not understand and to places we may not want to travel. Simply put, time passes. We must move on, sometimes in spite of our reluctance. We cannot stop the sands of time. On the other hand, and regardless of this constant perpetual motion of change, we are creatures of deep habit and predictability. We long to stay as we are, and once our habits have been set begin to form, it is not always easy to erase their effects. This habitual drive is very important to our peace of mind and to our security. We need things to be predictable; too much inconsistency makes us feel insecure. When we are out of our habitual domain, we often become testy, nervous, or unsure. We lash out at others. We blame others for making us feel uncomfortable, when in reality it is our own feelings of inadequacy that upset us because we are not used to what we are attempting to change.  They say it takes 90 days of practice to make a changed behavior a good habit. And I believe that. 


 Stop and think about your habitual patterns. Like many, you are probably more comfortable when you are in familiar surroundings, surrounded by things you know and understand well. When you find yourself in settings that are unfamiliar, you may become uncomfortable and have trouble navigating a path. Add these competing feelings to the many other complexities of life...family history, pressure of friends, and relationships and its no wonder why we fall back into our bad habits.  These two realities, the curve that drives change, and the curve that resists change, produce a powerful paradox and, in turn, a tension for people. The tug of war that follows can derail, or completely dismantle, any change effort, even efforts headed in directions that cognitively make good sense. For example, we know its not healthy to avoid, or to hold things in, or to not communicate. But even that thought of what makes good sense can often be overlooked when this tension arises of change of self.  What often occurs at this juncture is that people resist until there is no other way; by then, however, it is often too late. Your resistance has cost you more than you can even begin to imagine. Consider changing a personal behavior you feel may be better for you, such as changing dietary patterns so you can live a longer and healthier life. Cognitively, you have no trouble in understanding all the elements of this proposal. You know your current diet is not the best it can be. You equally know all the reasons why you should enhance your diet. All of this makes perfect sense, so you set the course for changing your diet. You decide you will begin eating foods that are better for you. You begin to stock your cabinets with these types of foods. You make a goal plan and even enter it into your daily planner or smart phone. Then you begin to execute your change. Now, all great voyages start with the first stroke of the oar, and your dietary change is no different. The first day goes fantastic. You follow your diet and feel confident that you are on the road to longevity. Even the second day is a success; you’re still on track. On the third day, you find yourself unexpectedly invited to join some friends after work. During the Penguins viewing party, your friends order a plate of nachos with sour cream. You look at this specimen, a long-time favorite in your old dietary days, but now taboo. You pause and think, “I’ve really been good up to this point. One nacho won’t hurt.” So you take the biggest nacho on the dish, and scoop up a huge dallop of sour cream and slowly, bite by bite, revel in the taste. Before you know it, you have single-handedly eaten the entire plate of nachos. In a split second, the rationalization of your behavior sabotages the best-laid plans for change. This reality of sabotage happens many ways in our personal efforts towards change. People develop habits, past family cultures and patterns that drive behaviors. They are shaped by them. Add to this the incredible pace of the world around us. With technology and information access changing almost daily, and with world markets and economies always unpredictable, the only constant is change. Now after devouring those nachos....will you for certain go home the next day...curse your one failure....and eat an entire pizza? More then likely, not. If your change effort is something that comes from within. You will get back up when you realized you have failed and drink 64 ounces of water while eating a big healthy salad and fruits throughout the day.  Change is not instant. You fail. You get back up. You do not sabotage your whole goal just because you have managed to hit some growing pains. You stay consistent. Perhaps, your goal is to be a better communicator. So you buy a journal so that you can write your feelings down, buy a planner so that you can stay organized with your life in achieving your goals or what you set out to do, or participate in listening to podcast series on how to be healthier in speaking up or matching your actions with the words you do communicate. Chances are, you will fail during this plan. You will find yourself holding something in, or avoiding communication. Something will trigger you to fall back into your comfy pair of avoidance sweatpants. But this does not mean that you quit. That you continue to avoid the things that challenge or trigger you to fall back into those old ways. This is where you take what you learned, those tools.....those new patterns you are establishing...and you apply them. You do not roll over You do not eat an entire pizza the day after the nachos.  You learn, you practice, you grow.  We give ourselves time to truly achieve our goals, if that is what we aim to do. When you find yourself in the middle of that push and pull....the grey space of change....how will you beat the paradox? Will you be a force of nature and challenge yourself, or will you retreat to your basecamp of comfort.  That is up to you friend. I suppose it depends on if the change is coming from within, or from the outside.  Those who will it to happen, will become it.  Those who do not enter into the change paradox with a truth in their heart will remain in the same place....consistently questioning themselves and how to get to a better way of life, a happier place of self. Which side of the paradox are you sitting on? 


Dear Tuesday, I am coming for you.

Today I signed this contract. It was emailed to me by one of my favorite bloggers. 


Today I choose to not let fear drive the car. And now it's more official. 

Today, I am giving myself grace. I am standing in my body. I am owning that I might fail, but I can and will move forward.  Because I want to be a better me. One that learns and grows. One that pushes through. One that is not her own enemy. Because when I become that person who I am spills on to others and the world around me.

I am worth all of this. It's time I start believing it too. 


The truth, my dear.


The truth about love is simple…It isn’t found in anyone or anything.

The voids or empty feelings that curse so many people can be filled and resolved immediately.

All that is needed is a willingness to open to it and to understand it from a different perspective.

Love should be given and received in abundance, as a free flowing energy. It is not a limited force—it is limitless, endless. The more that is produced, the higher frequency it will flow at as the momentum keeps going.

To be able to give and receive love we must learn to accept ourselves exactly as we are and not judge, criticize or feel resentment towards ourselves in any way. Self-love transforms us. When we love ourselves, we are far more likely to attract others who will love us too. When we hate ourselves, similarly we will attract those to us who reflect how we feel.

When you learn to love yourself...even the stubby fingers, the scar on your eyebrow, the sometimes impatient you, the you that sometimes needs to know answers, or the you that thinks her hair is to frizzy...when you love that you....love flows in and out of you like a river......and it attracts the sun towards you. 

Love those imperfect pieces, and you will find someone that loves all of you too. 


No Good Will Hunting Here.

It feels good to talk. To make sense of my minds circles. But it's also hard. 

Remember that great scene in “Good Will Hunting” where Robin Williams’ character hugs Will and tells him “It’s not your fault” until he breaks down and cries for the first time? After that, Will turns his life around and seems to instantly overcome his attachment disorder. The movie heavily implies he begins making use of his brilliance, stops bumming around with his friends as much and drives to California to get back together with his girlfriend.

It’s a great movie and that scene made me cry the first time I saw it. But there is no big eureka moment in therapy where you overcome your issues with one big cry. Therapy is more like a series of small breakthroughs. It's skipping puddles not crossing oceans.

I’ve had moments in therapy where I came to a huge realization and experienced a catharsis, but I didn’t immediately change my behavior and beliefs to the point where it wasn’t an issue anymore. I had to work on it outside of therapy and revisit the issue in my next session, something Will doesn’t do.

The one thing I just started realizing is..............

Therapy Does Not ‘Fix’ You Because You Are Not Broken

This is one of the areas where therapy and medical treatment vastly differ. With medical treatment, the best outcome is a cure where you eradicate the illness and ensure it doesn’t return. In therapy, this isn’t possible because mental illnesses, negative beliefs and maladaptive behaviors are not diseases. There is no cough drop. No seasonal anxiety shot to fend off the worries this winter. 

Therapy helps people uncover strengths and learn new skills that will allow them to deal with the challenges that arise in life. A successful therapy experience does not mean a client is cured, it means the person has the inner and outer resources to deal with the ups and downs of life. This is how I feel about my therapy experience. Therapy has reduced some of the psychosomatic symptoms of my mental illness, but it’s not going to eradicate it. It is mostly a tool for me to better cope with my problems. It can’t fix me because I was never broken.  I just had to uncover pieces of me that I did not know existed.

Some other things about therapy you should know: There is not always a comfy couch, and therapist do not tell you what to do. They merely help you process and guide the decisions you already knew were right or wrong in your heart. Some of that means uncovering pieces of you that are scary....some of that means uncovering the mistakes you made...and how to better handle and process them next time. There is no prescription given, no step by step directions for how to bake the best cake of life. 

I am growing in so many ways. I feel it and know it. I am uncovering tools and pieces of me I knew I never had. Next valentines day, I hope that I can break up with my therapist.  That's the goal. To be so strong in my strengths, processing, wants,  and needs that I do not need a second opinion. I can do it. I know I can.  We can all grow latitudes.....and become our best selves. Sometimes it just takes a little coaching to win the game of self, and life, and love.  But eventually we know the best coach lies within us all. 




I choose happy and love and you--- everyday.


I've never been overly attached to valentines day. Perhaps, because its origination started in the catholic church and tells stories of older times when the catholic church forbid young lovers to marry.  How can you forbid such a love? Who gives you the right to keep people unhappy?

We all have the right to be happy. But what does it mean to be happy. That is a large word. There is a wikihow......that gives you some simple ways to be happy. It's no surprise that they all deal with having positivism as a center of your life. Research in the diswiki says that we tend to remember negative experiences but forget positive ones. It's a natural tendency. But due to neuroplasticity we have the ability to change our thoughts. So that is what I do. I remember the good, more then those small bad. I smile. I accept the negative experiences as opportunities to grow. They also suggest to cultivate optimism. I do this a lot. I speak to a future in a positive way. How our life ends up is largely in part to how we think. And so I choose to think in a positive framework within realistic goals.  This isn't always easy for others around me. I speak to a goal before I get there. I speak of where I want to be in ten years. How I want to retire. Where I want to live. The books I want to write. But I have to put it out there to cultivate optimism around me. I can't let my doubts waiver back and forth. I must trust, that whatever I want to be happy....I can get to it. 

Anyways, if you asked me if I was happy this valentines day...I would say yes. I am happy with what I have experienced, how I have grown through those experiences, what I am growing into, and the environment and people I surround myself with to help me bloom in that process. So maybe I'd like to look at valentines day a different way....and say its not about making each other happy on this one day. It's about making each other happy all of the days. We all deserve to be happy. To know a love so warm that it shows up on a Monday. To know a love that sneaks a card in your bag. Sends you a letter in the mail. Leaves your favorite things in your car. Packs your lunch. Surprises you for dinner. A love that knows those bad times should not be carried with us so frequently, but instead we should let the good outshine them. A love that grows even in the cold months of winter. Everyone deserves that...and it does not always come so easy (much like the history of vday) but boy when it comes....is it beautiful. 

Love people today like you want to be loved. That is the greatest gift you could get anyone today.  I will remind myself of that in the silence. 

Snowy Day.

Went to google the Helen Ellis book because her funny housewife randomness seems like something I might like to read. Fell into playing twenty minutes of the Google Valentines Day game. Damn you Google. It is fun though. I like the simplicity of just using the arrows. 

Today is a rough day for me. I've got a lot of emotions going on. Facebook memories is not always kind to the past. Two years ago today, I ordered the most beautiful bouquet of flowers weeks in advance because they did not have them on hand. Sunflowers. I was single. My friend Lauren seemed confused as the ran errands with me. On the way home we stopped at Ron's house. I left the flowers on the front porch....knocked and we ran away.  

He loved sunflowers, as he should have....his being was a light that shines on to me often. He was so happy about the flowers. He said I had made his day....that he had felt loved. I often think about that. How I could have loved him more. Why he felt so lonely. Why he did not come to me and not just say that my "anxiety is bad" but that "I want to die".  I would have loved him harder.  Ten days after valentines day......the night before his birthday...he would feel his most unloved. He would bite into the toast and jam I got him for his birthday and walk out into the cold garage to never feel warm again.  I have worked through this a lot. That I did all I could. But it does not always heal the wound of missing him. Or some of the anger I have for him doing this to me.  I spend a lot of time working through the anxiety of being left so abruptly. His presence in my life was both a blessing and a curse. I wouldn't trade it for a minute though. I wouldn't. 


Small things.

I love bingo. And trivia. And random facts. When I was a kid I used to collect the Snapple caps so I could memorize the random facts on the top of the lid.  Did you know the first VCR was the size of a Piano? 

The curiousity of things I have yet to know is a big piece of me.  I like the simplicity of those small things. I hope I never lose that.  That hunger. That curiousity. Let my hair turn grey. Let my bones creek. But dear lord let my mind always wonder and find the beauty in simplicity, the beauty in the overgrown path, the beauty in getting lost, the beauty in the tiny things. 


More, no thanks.

It's Sunday. I'm not even sure where the weekend went. It went so fast. I'm grading papers and prepping my taxes. Dohhhh. Taxes are always a punch to the gut when you work so many jobs. My goal for this year is to work less jobs. And write more. More research. More papers. More books? I'm going to try and collaborate with faculty from the same field and different fields. If I want to move forward in Academia this has got to be my focus. And so I'll stop staying busy. I'll work one or two jobs "more". I'll say no more. I'll stop and prioritize more. I'll cut out hours for research. I'll use the time nobody wants. I'll read more research articles. I'll subscribe to a few journals. I'll do more because more of this Academia life is what I want. I enjoy the flexible schedule. The summers and breaks off. The time I can spend at home or visiting others. But yet still making an impact. So there it is. In the writing. They say you achieve your goals more if you put them out into the world.  


There you go, world.  


Teacher teaches self.

I'm teaching a new Conflict Resolution class next semester.  I'm starting to prep for it now. I love learning things. I feel myself growing from the inside out. Some of these things I already knew in my heart. Some I needed a reminder of or a chance to see them with new eyes. Today I read about how Conflict is necessary. It is healthy.   That suppression of feelings is a form of conflict.  That it is just as  much a part of the conflict process as shouting or fighting is.  I also learned that not being able to start a conflict is the source of frustration and can often lower self esteem and create bigger problems. Some people react to conflict by suppressing it.  But in order to handle conflict constructively you must be able to discuss, to not be afraid of speaking up, and to know that your voice and frustrations are worth it. Conflict, when used constructively has the ability to strengthen relationships. We should all learn the best way of constructively handling conflict so that it makes us grow. As people. As co-workers. As citizens. As friends. As lovers.  

Sometimes we might fail at this. But we learn and live on. 



I've been reading this book. Sent to me by a special person. I must admit I would have never picked it.  

But the mindlessness of it keeps me reading. The simplicity. The feeling of a crush. The chasing. The feel of love in glances. In watching each other. The stories within stories. 

I like it. Reminds me of real love. Hearts beating fast and sweaty palms.  :) Love that ooey gooey stuff. 


Oh Little Lion Man

Mumford is my soul friend. I remember the first time I heard them. I was sitting in a coffee shop.  

I searched forever for "not your fault but mine". Sifting through lyrics. Two months later I picked up their vinyl. 

A year later I saw them in concert. It was almost a come to Jesus moment. 30,000 people outside. Screaming "I will wait for you".  

It seems that song has echoed throughout my life more than I ever thought imaginable. Sometimes we must wait. Wait for the good. Wait for things to make sense. Wait for others to recognize what is real and what is fake. Patience is a virtue for a reason. Not everyone carries it with them, but those that do----see the world in a different light. 


If the the sun don't shine on me today....it's okay.  It's coming. :)  



What a rainy day. I have these winter flannel sheets that tend to pull you back into bed when the snooze button is blaring.  It's OK to hit the snooze button every once in a while. To grab a few more minutes. To steal a few more kisses. To take a few more words.   Life is sometimes crazy and you never know if you'll get that chance again. So give a few more words today. Plant a few more forehead kisses. Snooze. Grab time by the cheeks and make her be the little spoon. 


How are you giving yourself to others?  

I gave today to student emergency funds. To help students going through crisis. These causes are important to me. Post election we had a trans student kicked out of her home  for not supporting Trump and had to stay in emergency campus housing.  Giving is the rent we pay for living. 

Give. Do. Serve.  
